Digitala plattformar för att motverka våld i nära relationer

– kvinnojourers digitalisering av sin verksamhet under covid-19-pandemin




digitising, digital platform, women’s shelter, Covid-19-pandemic, violence


Digital platforms to counter violence in close relationships - Women’s shelters digitising their functions during the Covid-19 pandemic

This study focuses on how women’s shelters in Sweden came to use digital platforms to reshape their social work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through short telephone interviews with 14 managers of women’s shelters on several occasions during 2020 and 2021, this study highlights how their extended use of digital platforms left them with both possibilities and thresholds in their work to reach and stay in contact with abused women and children. Women’s shelters made use of both mobile and wireless platforms (such as text messages in mobile phones) and web-based platforms (such as chat groups on the Internet). The results of the study are presented in four different themes. The first theme concerns how women and youth came into contact with the women’s shelters and what platforms they used. The next theme focuses on how the digital contact was created and maintained. An important finding is that the number of contacts from young people increased, while the overall number of adult women decreased. The third theme highlights those thresholds that risk creating weak networks between the women making contact and the women’s shelters. This is also discussed in relation to the last theme, which focuses on the women’s shelters’ work with the platforms. An important result is that the digital platforms made it possible for women to come into contact with the women’s shelters during the Covid-19-pandemic; nevertheless, there are also thresholds that need to be made visible.




How to Cite

Hansson, K. and Petersson, C. C. (2024) “Digitala plattformar för att motverka våld i nära relationer: – kvinnojourers digitalisering av sin verksamhet under covid-19-pandemin”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 31(1), pp. 49–67. doi: 10.3384/SVT.2024.31.1.4876.