Den ojämlika otryggheten – Stabilitet och förändring i bostadsområden över tid


  • Anna-Karin Ivert
  • Marie Torstensson Levander
  • Caroline Mellgren



Fear of crime and inequality – Stability and change in residential neighbourhoods over time.

Fear of crime is not equally distributed among the Swedish population, and levels of fear differ between residential neighbourhoods. A follow-up of the results from the Swedish Crime Survey from 2006 to 2014 shows that the population in general report decreasing levels of fear of crime. At the same time, however, segregation in Sweden is increasing and the observed pattern of a decrease in fear of crime may not apply to all neighbourhoods or benefit the entire population. We employed data from two studies on fear of crime, performed in Malmö, Sweden, in 1998 and followed up in 2012 with a total of more than 8,000 respondents. Multilevel analyses of fear of crime reveal that although the general pattern is that fear of crime is decreasing, differences between neighbourhoods are increasing, suggesting a segregation problem.




How to Cite

Ivert, A.-K., Torstensson Levander, M. and Mellgren, C. (2016) “Den ojämlika otryggheten – Stabilitet och förändring i bostadsområden över tid”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 22(3-4). doi: 10.3384/SVT.2015.22.3-4.2338.




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