”Vi vet vad du behöver” Konstruktion och motstånd av ”ensamkommande” på HVB


  • Philip Lalander
  • Dawan Raoof




”We know what you need”: Construction and resistance of ”unaccompanied minors” at residential care units
e aim of the article is to highlight and analyse how ”unaccompanied minors” view the sta at the residential care units (called HVB) where they live. rough repeated qualitative inter- views with twenty young individuals over more than a year, the researchers have captured cen- tral themes. One such theme is the experience of being de ned as a child by the sta . is can be provocative for the young people who feel they are not being acknowledged as competent actors. Another central theme is being described as homogeneous and primitive, as a person that needs to be processed to live up to a desired Swedishness. e informants experience their treat- ment as children and undeveloped immigrants as a solid structure, a power system that is hard to question since it is so well institutionalized. e article also describes sanctions used by the sta to discipline the residents. Such sanctions are often directed at limiting the possibilities for the young people to participate in social activities, but also at increasing surveillance and documenta- tion. It is di cult for these young people to openly resist since they do not want to be punished. Resistance, thus, becomes hidden. e informants’ experiences show how di cult it is to deve- lop a social environment in which they can feel truly recognized by the sta as complete human beings with valuable competences. 




How to Cite

Lalander, P. and Raoof, D. (2017) “”Vi vet vad du behöver” Konstruktion och motstånd av ”ensamkommande” på HVB”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 23(3-4). doi: 10.3384/SVT.2016.23.3-4.2317.




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