Uppföljningens olika roller
– familjehemsföräldrars erfarenheter av socialtjänstens uppföljning
Foster care, Out-of-home care, Supervision, MonitoringAbstract
The different roles of supervision – foster parents’ experiences of social service supervision
Foster care supervision is regarded as central to securing foster care quality. Studies show that foster care supervision is a heterogenic activity, but foster parents’ experiences of supervision have scarcely been examined. The article is part of a case study of six local authorities and their foster care supervision. The aim is to analyse how foster parents perceive the role of supervision. The empirical material is based on interviews with foster parents (n=18). Theoretically, foster care is analysed as a hybrid intervention in the borderline between family and welfare service, which opens up for different notions regarding how supervision should be performed. The analysis identifies several supervisory roles: the verifying role; the sympathising role; the assisting role; and the instructive role. The roles differ in terms of how supervision is executed and whether the emphasis is on support to foster parents or control of their performances. The discussion focuses on the prerequisites needed for supervision to impact the foster care service.
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Copyright (c) 2024 David Pålsson

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