Kompetensprofilen hos undervisande personal på socionomutbildningar
En strategisk fråga för socionomfältet
social work program, social work, competence profile, teaching staffAbstract
The competence profile of teaching staff in social work education programs - a strategic issue for the field of social work
In the past four decades, the higher education in social work has expanded greatly in Sweden, but analyses of what this development means for the field of social work are few. No scientific text pays specifically attention to the competence profile of the teaching staff. The aim of this article is to investigate the quality of the education with a focus on the competence profile among teaching staff in social work education programs. The competence profile is analysed by studying the competence on social work as academic discipline (Bachelor of Science in Social Work for non-PhD teaching staff and PhD in social work for staff with doctoral degree) and scientific level (PhD among the teaching staff) based on two quality criteria: two-thirds of the teaching staff with doctoral degree and two-thirds with social work as their main academic discipline. The article has a comparative approach by comparing both the competence profile between higher education institutions with social work programs 2020 and the development between 2008-2020. The article uses quantifiable data that has been collected through a survey with basic facts about the teaching stuff from all institutions with social work programs and statistical data from the Swedish Higher Education Authority. The analyses of the empirical material has led to two main conclusions regarding the competence profile of teaching staff: none of the higher education institution with social work program in Sweden meets both quality criteria and the differences between the institutions risk to develop an stratified higher education with a hierarchy between social work programs with negative consequences for the discipline as well as for the students’, labour market entry after graduation and for clients.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tapio Salonen, Alexandru Panican

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