Kompetenta flickor med förmågor

Biopolitisk styrning i barnböcker om funktionsvariationer


  • Fanny Edenroth Cato Barn-och ungdomsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet




This study analyzes twelve children's books that may be used to inform and educate both children and adults about children’s experiences of having a neuropsychiatric diagnosis, or of being a highly sensitive person. From the perspective of poststructuralism, and through a problematization of concepts within the field of sociology of childhood, the study examines the subject formation of sensitive girls and dis/able-bodied childhoods. In the representations of the main characters the dis/abilities are mainly portrayed as abilities. Yet, these stories also revolve around handling the children’s socially problematic behaviors and suffering. Children are seen as both competent and vulnerable agents – as beings and becomings. The article suggests that a subject formation that recurs in the books is an ideal child citizen. This type of competent child participates in the decisions concerning her body and life, and demonstrates self-reflexivity, as well as a positive attitude towards interventions, which includes both engaging in therapy and openly disclosing the diagnosis. Through the process of identification, the girls become compliant to manage their behavior and emotions according to the premise of the diagnoses, and on these terms, are redefining their personhood.




How to Cite

Edenroth Cato, F. (2020) “Kompetenta flickor med förmågor: Biopolitisk styrning i barnböcker om funktionsvariationer”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 27(1), pp. 51–69. doi: 10.3384/SVT.2020.27.1.3412.


