Kriget med mig själv Om romer och tillhörighet i migrationens Sverige


  • Magnus Dahlstedt



At war with myself. On Roma and belonging in multi­ethnic Sweden is article deals with belonging in multi-ethnic Sweden, with a focus on the boundaries and meanings of belonging. e focus is on the situation of Roma in Sweden. e point of departure is the individual story of Ana, a young woman who has migrated to Sweden from Hungary. Ana’s story about her migration, her struggles to nd her way and become part of a Swedish societal community is illustrative in terms of (non)belonging, about not being recognized for who you are and not recognizing yourself. e story illustrates some of the inner and societal tensions appea- ring in an era of migration. In the article, Ana’s story is used to discuss a double paradox of citizenship in an era of migration: As a Swedish citizen, she formally belongs to the societal community. At the same time, she does not quite belong to the community, as she was born a ”foreigner” – a Roma. Firstly, Ana’s ways of dealing with the tensions caused by her di erent ”belongings” – as a Swede, Hungarian and Roma – are presented. Secondly, a brief historical expose? of the situation of Roma in Sweden is provided, illustrating a dark history of repression and exclusion. is dark history is related to Frantz Fanon’s thoughts about the colonial situation in Africa and the impli- cations of the colonial fantasies for the colonized ”black people”, which are then used as a point of departure to further analyse Ana’s contradictory story about (non)belonging to a Swedish socie- tal community. irdly, Ana’s story is related to the situation of Roma in today’s Europe, where Roma EU migrants such as berry-pickers and beggars have in recent years been the targets of discrimination and deportation. e article concludes with a discussion on the situation of Roma in the light of ongoing negotiations of belonging in contemporary Europe.




How to Cite

Dahlstedt, M. (2017) “Kriget med mig själv Om romer och tillhörighet i migrationens Sverige”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 23(3-4). doi: 10.3384/SVT.2016.23.3-4.2320.


