Editorial Team

The editorial team is cross-disciplinary an represents different research areas. The editorial team circulates every five years between different departments and divisions of Social work in Sweden. 

Corresponding editor
Professor Karin Osvaldsson Cromdal
phone: +46 11 36 36 74
e-mail: karin.osvaldsson@liu.se

Elise Johansson Jansson
phone: +46 11 36 34 63
e-mail: elise.johansson.jansson@liu.se   

Professor Magnus Dahlstedt
phone: 011-36 32 37
e-mail: magnus.dahlstedt@liu.se


Guestprofessor Susanna Alakoski

Associate professor Susanne Kelfve

Associate professor Martin Klinthäll

Professor Anna Lundberg

Professor Dimitris Michailakis

Senior associate Professor Catrin Lundström

Professor Johanna Sköld

Senior associate Professor Annika Taghizadeh Larsson

Professor Karsten Åström

Editorial board

Jan Blomqvist, Stockholm

Thomas Boje, Roskilde

Felipe Estrada, Stockholm

Sven Hort, Växjö

Margareta Hydén, Linköping

Stig Larsson, Lund

Lisbet Lundahl, Umeå

Cecilia Modig, Stockholm

Diana Mulinari, Lund

Ingrid Sahlin, Lund

Tapio Salonen, Malmö

Johans Tveit Sandvin, Bodö

Eva-Maria Svensson, Göteborg

Hans Swärd, Lund

Marta Szebehely, Stockholm

Sandra Torres, Uppsala