Gör din plikt och kräv din rätt
– en relationell etnografi av arbetslinjens hegemoni på medborgarkontor i den urbana periferin
work-first, activation, relational ethnography, marginalised communities, hegemonic practicesAbstract
Navigating Duty and Rights - A Relational Ethnography of Work-First Hegemony in Municipal Service Centres in the Urban Periphery
The "work-first approach" (arbetslinjen) is a fundamental concept in Swedish welfare policy, shaping both progressive and regressive policy agendas. In contemporary political discourse, marginalised communities have become the focus of initiatives aimed at reinforcing the work-first approach among the unemployed through increased conditionalities. Consequently, the work-first approach has become a site of struggle over the direction of Swedish labour market and welfare policies. This article aims to analyse how the work-first approach is realised as a hegemonic practice within municipal service centres located in marginalised communities. Based on a relational ethnographic approach, we examine how the work-first approach is realised in daily interactions between residents and community guides, as people navigate administrative activation measures, experience hyper-exploitation, and manage life on the margins of poverty. Our findings highlight the fluid nature of the work-first approach, demonstrating how it is both reproduced and contested across different social contexts. We argue that the work-first approach, as a hegemonic idea, faces a significant challenge: increasing social conflict and coercion within the welfare system and labour market are undermining the active consent of marginalised groups—a consent critical for maintaining the work-first approach as a dominant framework in Swedish policy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Henrik Örnlind, Rickard Ulmestig

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