Har problemen blivit värre?
– en analys av hur problem med och hjälpbehov för psykisk hälsa, alkohol-och narkotikaanvändning förändrats över tid för socialtjänstens klienter
Social work, Addiction Severity Index, Mental Health, Substance use disorders, Co-occurring disordersAbstract
Have the problems gotten worse?- An analysis of how problems and need for help in the area of mental health, alcohol and drug use have changed over time for social service clients
Changing patterns of addiction and increased psychiatric comorbidity pose new challenges for social services. As part of systematizing the work of assessing and investigating the need for help for people with alcohol or drug problems, use of the Addiction Severity Index is recommended. This descriptive quantitative study examines and compares how social workers and clients estimate the extent of a client’s problems in three areas: mental health, alcohol and drugs. Based on interviewer and client estimates, the study also examines whether the problems are estimated differently over time, from 2003 to 2017. The study includes ASI material for 15,005 people whose need for help for alcohol or drug problems has been investigated and assessed by the social services in 65 Swedish municipalities. The study shows that both clients and social workers estimate an increased problem level for the ASI domains of mental health and drugs. For alcohol, the trend is the opposite or is unchanged. Overall, interviewer as well as client estimates indicate an increased need for help and support for problems related to mental health and drug use, while the need for help and support for problems related to alcohol is unchanged or decreases over time among social service clients.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marcus Blom Nilsson
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