Från den ”sionistiska ockupationsregimen” till ”judisk makt”

– antisemitismen inom Nordiska motståndsrörelsen


  • Heléne Lööw



From the ”Zionist occupational government” to ”the Jewish power” – anti-Semitism within the Nordic Resistance Movement
The focus of the study has been on how anti-Semitism is expressed within the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), what language is used, in which contexts it occurs and what changes may have taken place. Anti-Semitism has always been the foundation of the NMR’s ideology, regardless of the name of the organization, or how they have chosen to define their ideology. Over the years, anti-Semitism has been expressed in different ways and with varying degrees of openness. During the 1990s, anti-Semitism was open and activist, but during the 2000s it somehow, diminished in terms of language use. During this period, the organization reverted, to a great extent, to the anti-Semitic code language of the earlier decades. Of course, this does not mean that anti-Semitism in any way lost its significance, only that it was expressed in a different way. During the 2010s, anti-Semitism has again become open, the use of the code language less and less frequent. Anti-Semitism within NMR is also strongly linked to practical activism in the form of various anti-Semitic actions and demonstrations. Although various actions are not at first sight perceived as anti-Semitic, they often are anti-Semitic. This applies, for example, to symbolic actions where various individuals, for example, on placards at demonstrations, are designated as ”traitors”. Some may be Jews, others not, but they are all seen as symbols of a ”Jewish power”, a kind of parade of ”Jews” and ”Spiritual Jews” which symbolize the supposed ”Jewish power” that NMR is fighting. We see here both ideology and practical action. In recent years, NMR has also increasingly returned to its origins, i.e. the Swedish national socialists during the interwar period, this is reflected in the language used and the importance attached to the history of the movement in a wider perspective. The NMR’s anti-Semitism is also an everyday anti-Semitism, in that it permeates the activists’ lives, how they interpret what is happening in the outside world. In the NMR, anti-Semitism is an everyday practice, to reconnect with Fein’s definition of anti-Semitism.


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Referera så här

Lööw, H. (2020) ”Från den ”sionistiska ockupationsregimen” till ’judisk makt’: – antisemitismen inom Nordiska motståndsrörelsen”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 26(3-4), s. 223–239. doi: 10.3384/SVT.2019.26.3-4.3088.


