Föräldraskap och ekonomisk ojämlikhet

– vardagslivets villkor för familjer i socialtjänsten


  • Gunilla Petersson Institutionen för kultur och samhälle, Linköpings universitet
  • Margareta Bredmar Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, Linköpings universitet.
  • Bo Davidson FOU Centrum för vård, omsorg och socialt arbete, Linköping.




Social Sevices, inequality, families, children, parenting


Parenting and economic inequality –everyday life in families with social service involvement

Families in social services and child protection agencies often live under strained economic conditions. However, this is not always the truth. This article addresses the economic and social differences of families in contact with the Swedish social services. Empirically the article relies on life-course interviews with mothers in four families. Using Bourdieu’s concepts of economic, social and cultural capital the analysis highlights how inequal conditions of everyday life interplay with the lives of families from different economical positions and their relationships with the social services. The analysis describes that the better-off families are quite content with the help they get from the social services. The families with smaller economic resources however, are not only less satisfied, but also feel a lack of recognition from the services regarding their needs.




Referera så här

Petersson, G., Bredmar, M. och Davidson, B. (2025) ”Föräldraskap och ekonomisk ojämlikhet : – vardagslivets villkor för familjer i socialtjänsten”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 31(3-4), s. 361–380. doi: 10.3384/SVT.2024.31.3-4.5632.