Våld mellan ungdomar i nära relationer
Digitala medier och utövande av kontroll
Teenage intimate partner violence. Digital media and coercive control
The aim of this article is to describe violence and its different forms in an everyday context, through interviews with teenagers experiencing intimate partner violence, focusing on the violence that takes place in the digital arena. Using Evan Stark’s concept of coercive control, the dynamics of digital violence is explored. The conclusion is that the violence that takes place in the digital arena should be understood as a form of psychological violence. Furthermore, teenage intimate partner violence is a serious societal problem showing patterns and phenomenology similar to intimate partner violence between adults, and it must therefore be taken just as seriously.
Referera så här
Allt material i Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift publiceras sedan 2022 (Vol 28 Nr 2) med omedelbar öppen tillgång (open access), under Creative Commons-licensen CC BY 4.0. Upphovsrätten till innehållet tillhör respektive författare.
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