Antisemitiska och antiromska hatbrott i Sverige – erfarenheter, konsekvenser och hantering av utsatthet


  • Berit Wigerfelt
  • Anders Wigerfelt



Anti-Semitic and anti-Roma hate crimes in Sweden – Experiences, consequences and coping

Based on interviews, the purpose of the article is to study how Roma and Jews experience everyday violations and hate crime and how the victims deal with this exposure. The victims’ narratives are analysed using, for example, theories and research on anti-Semitism, anti-Ziganism, everyday racism and power relations. During the post-war period Jews have largely been seen by the majority population as belonging to the white ”Swedishness”, while the Roma belong to one of many deeply despised minorities that often are exposed to everyday violations and hate crime. However, there is anti-Semitism in Sweden that in certain situations and circumstances is explicitly expressed in the form of abuse, threats or violence. The article describes and analyses how the victims of hate crime deal with this exposure and how the crimes affect them. Some Roma and Jews ”are forced” to live a kind of double life because they are afraid of being ”exposed” as a Roma or a Jew. For example, Jewish and Roma symbols are often spontaneously concealed. The damage that hate crime causes is spread beyond the individual to the victim’s entire group, a form of ”message crimes”. The consequences for the individual concerned can be very serious. Roma and Jewish groups as a whole can also be affected by the restrictions imposed on their lives.




Referera så här

Wigerfelt, B. och Wigerfelt, A. (2016) ”Antisemitiska och antiromska hatbrott i Sverige – erfarenheter, konsekvenser och hantering av utsatthet”, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 22(3-4). doi: 10.3384/SVT.2015.22.3-4.2341.


